
independent & selective
from Norse Mythology
written by Ky

Loptr is Myth Loki. Main verse of this blog is myth, where Loptr adheres to the myths, but does not have anything to do with marvel (except when I put them in that world because I like getting everyone confused). I have no problem writing with marvel muses, but do not immediately assume that this is Loki from marvel.I do not follow everyone back. I do look at your blog and see if I think interaction would happen or be interesting. But even just because I do not follow you back does not mean interaction won’t happen, it just means that I am unsure how it would. I also don’t follow back if I don’t know what fandom your character is from.Opens, starter calls, and memes are for everyone. Anyone at all can answer them, but keep in mind that I don’t have to answer them if I don’t see anything sort of interesting conversation or cannot think of any reply to it.Reply Time. I can take FOREVER to reply to some of my drafts. I am taking online classes as well as do part-time work, so sometimes I just do not have the energy to be online or reply to full paragraph or more threads. Feel free to poke at me if you think I’ve forgotten about your’s, but I promise I will do my best go get to every eventually.I am OC friendly. I love OCs, though I do require that there be an about page that I can look at to get some kind of idea about who they areCrossover Friendly. I am certainly willing to rp with those from other fandoms! If I don’t know what it is, I will need some information to help and such, but I’d be willing to try.

Multiverse, Crossover, AU friendly. This is a multiverse blog, therefore everything is in a different verse of its own, no overlapping unless talked about by all involved. AUs are fun. Crossovers are very welcome.Mun is of age, but will not smut. I do not smut, at all. I am not comfortable with it, so don’t ask. I am, however, willing to do fade-to-blacks or reference it as happening offscreen, as it were.Shipping. Though Loptr is married, to two women sometimes, they are rather a bit of a slut (even though I don’t write smut), so things of a more romantic or sexual nature can happen between them, even if you do not rp either of their wives, though I would prefer it be discussed first, even for those that do rp Sigyn and Angrboda.Violence and other nsfw are welcome. Anything not smut is perfectly welcome and encouraged here. They will happen occasionally, so just a warning.Passwords ~I do not send them in, I’m typically get to anxious to do so and I honestly don’t understand the point of them. If I’ve followed you, I’ve read your rules and about pages, and again if we start writing, so rest assured that I have gone over them. ~**I do not own any of the images.**Discord is available to upon mutual request.

My name is Ky, 26, asexual non-binary, they/them, though I don’t much care too much about pronouns. I’ve been rping for nearly 10 years, though I haven’t don’t a whole lot on tumblr in the past few years. I’ve missed it, so even though I just started school, I decided to come write things more fun than school assignments.

“Loki, that's me. Loki, the Light-Bringer, the misunderstood, the elusive, the handsome and modest hero of this particular tissue of lies.”


Born in Jötunheimr, with the name Loptr, just at the edge of Utgarð, to two giants that were thrilled with their firstborn child, who showed signs of powerful magic almost immediately. They grew up happy, regardless of the little mishaps their magic created, trouble and chaos following them everywhere as they learned how to control it and how to shapeshift. They were an only child for many years, the center of attention from both their parents before they had another child. The first try was a stillborn, causing Laufey to breakdown in depression, but their parents didn’t stop there, having another soon after, but that little sibling of their’s only lived a few months before it’s frail body gave out.Loptr started to blame themself, wondering if the Chaos around the house was harming their mother and their siblings. From then on, they wandered away from the house, wandering the city of Utgarð and going as far as the edge of the forbidden Iron Wood, becoming infatuated with seeing as much of the world as they could. It didn’t stop after their parents had Helblindi and soon Býleistr. They did their best to look after their little brothers, being nearly fully grown by that point, though they knew that they could not bring them on their adventures, adventures that their parents had given up on trying to stop them from going on.One day, Loptr left, leaving their home for many years without turning back. It wasn’t long after they left that they met a man, an Aesir, who was also wandering Yggdrasil. The Aesir did not properly introduce himself for many weeks, but that was okay, as Loptr didn’t either, instead saying their name was Loki, a name they’d used for many years for dealings that they had no desire for their mother to find out about. In the end, their companion turned out to be the Crown Prince of Asgard, Odin, who offered them a place in Asgard as well as a place at his side as his Blood-Brother, an offer they would regret agreeing to.They was not on Asgard for long before Odin became king, marrying Frigg as his queen.Loptr was discarded almost immediately, even by Odin, who had never discouraged the hateful jeering they had garnered since settling foot in the Home of the Aesir. But still they stayed, their stubbornness soon turning into petty pride.During the war with Vanaheimr, Loptr stayed to the side, watching from the roofs and the walls as the army trained and marched, watching from the shadows of the war room as the council deliberated what to do. Even afterwards, as they attempted to rebuild. By that point, they had become well and truly bored, already lashing out in attempt to calm the energy inside them that had no real outlet. So, when the Builder came up Bifrost, looking to rebuild the Wall for them, they stepped forward, suggesting the ultimatum that would help them get it for free without losing their precious Freyja. For all the pain it caused them in the end, they wouldn’t say they regretted it, for it gave them their first son, Sleipnir, though Odin refused to let them keep him and they were too weak to stop him at the time and before the binding were nigh unbreakable without killing their poor son.From then on, they held anger in their being, hatred that would never be quenched, towards the whole of Asgard, and more importantly her King.It wasn’t too long after that they wandered into the Iron Wood on Jötunheimr, a forbidden place that all Jötnar knew not to step foot into if you wished to live. Of course, they ignored that entirely, deciding it was worth the risk to take the shortcut rather than go around, which would take weeks. Within the Iron Wood, they were attacked by the people that lived there and taken to their Chief, Angrboða. It was surprising that they weren’t killed on the spot, but they went with it. They fought with her, resisted being taken prisoner as they were intrigued by them and their power over the world around them, but in the end, the two became close, eventually falling into bed together. Close enough that they were named her Consort.Angrboða was pregnant with Fenrisulfr when Loptr, back in Asgard, met another woman, sweet, kind, but ferocious in her own way. Sigyn, almost immediately, became as close and as important to them as Angrboða. Unable to stay away, the affair drew the attention of their first wife, causing her to lash out at them, almost leading to their separation, but a stroke of stupid genius led them to introducing the two women. From then on, the three of them became one.Jörmungandr soon followed Fenrir into the world, followed, a bit later by Hela. Loptr loved all of them, but even they could not keep them still, could not keep them in one place for longer than a few weeks, even that was at the cost of him jumping off the walls and nearly setting things on fire. It was when they were still little that Jörmungandr and Fenrir were stolen from the edge of the Iron Wood, by the Aesir. Taken to be raised by them, only to be chained up or thrown into Midgardr’s ocean. Just like with Sleipnir, there was nothing they could do to save them, no matter how much Sigyn and Angrboða begged them to.It was years and years later than Sigyn had the twins, Vali and Narfi, and took them to raise in Asgard, to try and keep them safe and show that they were normal wouldn’t cause trouble.Of course, in the years and centuries since he first came to Asgard with Odin, though they had never been particularly liked, the Aesir continued to push them away and treat them like an outside and a nuisance. The weakening and increasingly violent relations with Jötunheimr did not help any. Time and time again, they were blamed and accused of various wrongdoings, whether they did them or not.And then, Frigg, the Queen of Asgard and Odin’s wife, had a vision that her only and most precious child would die. Being the protective mother she was, she immediately went out and secured promises from every living and non-living thing to not hurt Baldr. All, save for one. From that, came a game to throw anything anyone could think of at Baldr, laughing as it bounced harmlessly off his skin. Loptr sneered as they watched from the roof tops. They knew of the Queen’s misstep and wanted nothing more than to show her and her husband that they should never leave such obvious loopholes, lest they backfire on them.Of course, they never meant to kill Baldr.They fled as soon as the body hit the ground, trying to save their own skin from their own mistake. It certainly did not help when their own daughter, Hela, refused to release Baldr’s soul back to his parents.Odin’s punishment, in retaliation for killing one of his sons, was to kill both of their youngest, by turning Vali into his favorite wolf form and forcing him to kill Narfi then shoving a spear through his head. And forcing both Loptr and Sigyn to watch. Then, of course, they used their entrails to bind Loptr, naked, to a bolder deep inside a cave, with a snake hanging above them, dripping its venom right into their eyes. Luckily, they did not stop Sigyn, faithful as she was, from trying to help them, holding a bowl above them in an attempt to catch as much as she could.It was centuries they spent there, tortured with venom and using every ounce of their own control to keep their very being, their very essence, their Chaos from lashing out and destroying the cave around them and hurting their beloved Sigyn. But, eventually, Fimblvinter started, drowning all nine worlds in cold and ice. Only then, did they let go, urging Sigyn to leave before they unleashed themself, breaking their own binds with the power that had been building for centuries.The Battle of Ragnarök happen only a few weeks later, at the very end of the three year long winter, using the ship, Naglfari, to gather all the dead from Helheimr and the Jötnar from Jötunheimr and bring them all to the Plain of Ida to meet the Aesir in battle. It was bloody and magnificent, killing everyone who managed to survive the brutal winter. Loptr, themself, cut down many, not particularly caring which side they were supposed to be a part of. In the end, they met Heimdallr, and in a wild clash, the two managed to bring all their hate and dislike of the other to a head, resulting in both of their deaths at the end and rebirth of Yggdrasil.


  • NAME.  Loptr Fárbautison

  • ALSO KNOWN AS.  Loki

  • BIRTH DATE + AGE.  Immortal

  • GENDER.  Genderfluid

  • PRONOUNS.  He/They/She

  • ORIENTATION.  Pansexual

  • SPECIES.  Jötun

  • HEIGHT.  6'8

  • EYE COLOR.  Green

  • HAIR COLOR.  Orange

  • SPECIES.  Jötun

  • OCCUPATION.  Being a pain in everyone's collective asses

  • BIRTHPLACE.  Utgard, Jötunheimr

  • SCARS.  A row of small dots circle their lips, making their once cheerful smile more sinister. On their back is several whip scars, thick and pink from the severity of the original wounds, around their body is smaller scars from random scraps and fights. Upon their right forearm is a tattoo of two intertwined snakes, a head at each end, their symbol. At any point after Ragnarök, or at least his imprisonment, burn scars surround his eyes.

  • PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS.  Pointed ears, Black horns curving from their temples with a slight wave over their head. Sometimes has rings or chains around their horns.

  • FAMILY.  mother: Laufey, father: Fárbauti, siblings: Helblindi and Býleistr, spouses: Angrbo∂a and Sigyn, children: Sleipnir, Fenrir, Jörmungandr, Hel, Vali, and Narfi

  • FACECLAIM.  Michiel Huisman


  • Personality  Loptr is rather eccentric, seemingly random at times, with an underlying calculation that most would never see. Though for how smart they are, much of their plans backfire on them, sending everything around them into chaos. They lounge on every surface possible, regardless of what it is or if it is in use or how impossible it would be to get to, though not for long before their boundless energy causes them to start moving again. They never sleep, and if they do, it is only from absolute exhaustion, his own body and energy and magic making it impossible to rest even for a moment.

  • LIKES + DISLIKES  traveling, causing Chaos, being underestimated / threats to his family, the cold

  • Fears  Being locked away forever, being forced to stay still

  • Flaws  Reckless, Impulsive

  • WEAPONS  Spear and Knives

  • HOGWARTS HOUSE  Slytherin

  • ALIGNMENT  Chaotic Neutral